a Part of Collaborative Innovation Center of Genetics and Development
Dr. Jinbiao Ma | 麻锦彪
Using X-ray crystallography as a major method, in combination with various biophysical and biochemical approaches, my lab is studying the 3-D structural of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions. We also study the molecular mechanisms of proteins and RNA in RNA silencing and epigenetics.
Crystals of protein-RNA complexes grown in my lab.
Crystal structure of the PAZ domain from human Argonaute 1 in complex with small RNA and specific recognition of the 3’-end 2-nucleotide overhang.
Crystal structure of the AfPiwi-siRNA complex and specific recognition of the 5’ phosphate group and nucleotide.
Crystal structure of Arabidopsis small RNA specific methyltransferase Hen1 in complex with miRNA duplex and the molecular mechanism of substrate recognition.