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Video sharing course: mouse phenotyping

Source http://cicgd.fudan.edu.cn/a/yanjiufangxiang/20150410/248.html 中心视频共享课程:小鼠表型分析 发布时间: 2015-04-01 16:43 遗传与发育协同创新中心协同单位间的人才联合培养工作迈出实质性的第一步:南京大学高翔教授参与复旦大学“现代生物学基础与前沿Ⅱ-遗传和发育生物学”共享课程建设,并同步向全体协作单位视频直播,实现异地共享优质课程资源。 题目:小鼠表型分析 报 告 人:南京大学模式动物研究所高翔教授 时间:2015年4月14日(周二)下午13:30 地点:生命科学学院江湾校区生科院大楼F区多功能厅

Du, Lei, Fu and Luan visit CICGD

Source http://cicgd.fudan.edu.cn/a/xinwendongtai/20150410/246.html 教育部领导到访遗传与发育协同创新中心 发布时间: 2015-04-06 14:09 2015年4月3日上午,教育部副部长杜占元、科技司副司长雷朝滋、科技司基础处处长付恒升和部长秘书栾宗涛一行四人到访复旦大学江湾新校区,由复旦大学党委书记朱之文、常务副校长陈晓漫和科技处处长殷南根等相关领导陪同,在生命科学学院院长马红和生命科学学院书记陈浩明等引领下,参观了生命科学学院江湾校区新楼和遗传与发育协同创新中心,并进行现场调研考察。 在到达生科院江湾校区新楼后,学院领导向杜占元副部长等介绍了生命学院搬迁的历史,新楼的空间和条件都较以往大大提升,对于学院开展科研和长期发展都有积极促进作用。杜占元副部长领队重点参观了唐惠儒教授的高灵敏分子表型检测平台,并饶有兴趣地近

A striatal-enriched intronic GPCR modulates huntingtin levels and toxicity


Huntington’s disease (HD) represents an important model for neurodegenerative disorders and proteinopathies. It is mainly caused by cytotoxicity of the mutant huntingtin protein (Htt) with an expanded polyQ stretch. While Htt is ubiquitously expressed, HD is characterized by selective neurodegeneration of the striatum. Here we report a striatal-enriched orphan G protein-coupled receptor(G

Good lecturing is an art, and it takes real dedication


复旦将“代表性教学成果”纳入职称评价 青年教师吴燕华副教授提名获学术委员会高票通过 ©微复旦

Transcription factor interaction with COMPASS-like complex regulates histone H3K4 trimethylation


Accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins causes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which activates a set of ER membrane-associated transcription factors for protein homeostasis regulation. Previous genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis shows a strong correlation between histone H3K4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) and active gene expression. However, how the histone modification com

TBX6 Null Variants and a Common Hypomorphic Allele in Congenital Scoliosis


BACKGROUND: Congenital scoliosis is a common type of vertebral malformation. Genetic susceptibility has been implicated in congenital scoliosis. METHODS: We evaluated 161 Han Chinese persons with sporadic congenital scoliosis, 166 Han Chinese controls, and 2 pedigrees, family members of which had a 16p11.2 deletion, using comparative genomic hybridization, quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction

10th Academicians Forum – Math

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